Zen Transition to Motherhood
Is there life after birth?

Strategies for smooth, peaceful weeks after birth

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The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

- William Ross Wallace, poem

40 days of rest

  • Resources to let mama rest and recover
  • How to set up a meal train
  • Mama's and baby's health
  • Good supplies to have on hand
  • Find your center

Fourth trimester

  • Harness the routine
  • Get chores under control
  • Master errands with the baby
  • Handle commitments
  • Ideas for entertainment and rest

Visit Fingering Zen blog for Productive Zen Mama tips


Abolish Perfection

Forget perfectionism. There is no use trying to do something perfectly, since you will be disappointed every time. We are often our own worst critics. Instead embark on a project that excites you and enthusiastically do your best. Focus on enjoying the process, bring friends or children into it if the nature of the project allows for it, and have fun. Read more »


How to Transition to Better Nutrition

Over the last few months, I have been asked several times to help with transitioning a family to a healthier lifestyle, especially as it relates to nutrition. Generally, the considerations of healthy choices for parents and young children, as well as budget and possible food sensitivities, shape the solution. Read more »


Control Your Atmosphere

If you have ever worked at an office with fluorescent lighting or no daylight, or lived in a building where floors are being varnished or walls painted, or walked by a noisy construction site, you know how extremely distracting and unproductive such environments are. When you can effectively control these environmental factors, you can direct your energy better. Read more »


Resolutions? Try something new!

Part of the New Year’s resolutions is making changes in your routine — to spend more time with the people who matter, to take care of your body, to complete planned household projects. Don’t throw away the routine, just resolve to try something new, say, once a week. Seemingly a little change, it will give you over 50 opportunities over the next year to discover new possibilities. Read more »